Ceremonies & Events

Part of finding your magic is setting it out, baby! Come explore different perspectives, hang out, have fun, and go deeper at events, ceremonies, circles, parties, and pop ups. From new and full moon cacao ceremonies, to an open space to listen and share perspectives and experiences, to teachings about redefining spirituality and rituals — this is your chance for us all to connect in person and have authentic conversation and experiences.

This is also your opportunity to set out your magic and show up as you are, knowing you will be accepted, heard, respected, and ready to connect. These are the moments that remind you why life is worth livin’!


Scorpio Full Moon Circle & Ceremony

may 17, 2019 - 7:30pm - 9:00 PM at bohemian bias in newport, ri

Come celebrate the Full Moon in sacred space and ceremony. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all stationed retrograde, and having the moon be in intense and mysterious Scorpio, this time is going to be deeply transformational. Come together for a transmission on all the astrology, sacred tea ceremony, circle, releasing ritual, cleansing ceremony, sensual embodiment practice, and receiving energy work and sound healing from Ani.

This is an all faith, all race, all gender, all body circle and ceremony. Everyone is welcome.


Gemini New Moon Ceremony, Circle, and Ritual

june 2, 2019 - 7:00pm - 9:00 PM at somaspace in portland, or

Come celebrate and create on this new moon in Gemini. Let’s come together, get clear and get real, and hold a circle, ceremony, and ritual to honor this curious, explorative, and connecting new moon. We will start with a transmission on the astrology of the night, a sacred tea ceremony, a circle share, a transmission on getting clear on intention, a grounding ceremony, sending out our intentions in ritual, and finally energy and sound healing. We are asking $15 dollar donation - but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. This is an all faith, all race, all gender, all body circle and ceremony. Everyone is welcome.


Scorpio Full Moon Circle & Ceremony

may 18, 2019 - 6:00 pm - 9:00 PM at current state in providence, ri

Come celebrate the Full Moon in sacred space and ceremony. With Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all stationed retrograde, and having the moon be in intense and mysterious Scorpio, this time is going to be deeply transformational. Come together for a transmission on all the astrology, sacred tea ceremony, circle, releasing ritual, cleansing ceremony, sensual embodiment practice, and receiving energy work and sound healing from Ani.

This is an all faith, all race, all gender, all body circle and ceremony. Everyone is welcome.

energy 101 workshop

may 21, 2019 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 PM at current state in providence, ri

What is energy, you ask? How can you feel it and work with it? How can you have strong boundaries when someone’s energy is draining you? To be in control of your energy is to fully step into your power and show up in the world with strength. You can work with and shift the energy in a room, you can work with your own aura, and you can center and ground yourself when you need to. You can also use your energy to charge up power items and crystals and set your intention. It is the ultimate form of self-care and self-empowerment. Are you ready to work your magic? We are asking a $10 donation but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.