Ceremony, ritual, and Tools for Lunar Samhain and the Scorpio New Moon

When was the last time you felt beautifully bewildered by the moon? The moon brings out the most ancient, primal remembrances in us all. She shows us an important message — that we are nature, in constant cycles, and supported. She directly impacts nature, turning the tides of the ocean, influencing the earth's fertile soil, and affecting human and animal's physiology. When we become in tune with the moon, you embrace your wildest self. You become supercharged. You will find yourself being supported to do the self-work you would have to do anyway, but suddenly it comes with more ease and you feel truly held. 

New moons are all about going in, starting new, getting clear on what you need, and planting the seeds to attain it. This new moon is in intense Scorpio, and that means the energy is channeled even more inward with a highlight on rebirth, transformation, and deep emotions. Tonight is a very, very special one. It is the wondrous lunar Samhain — occurring on the new moon right before Samhain, the time when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest.

What are you feeling? What is coming up for you? The night sky is vast and dark with new moons, and our own depth of feeling matches the landscape. In this place of darkness, we can be reborn and transform. Scorpio energy also connects us with our own unique spirituality and magic. This moon asks you — what are you ready to look at, shed, and transform?  

Nothing that comes up is an accident. Scorpio energy craves depth and getting to the bottom of things, so use this opportunity to not treat the symptoms of the problem you are facing, but to get to the root of it and nourish it. The moon is asking you to enter your own darkness — she will help guide you home. Are you ready?

Here are some tools for tonight.

Tarot Card: The Hermit
The hermit reminds you that every answer you need is in you. This card reflects going inward, taking space, and sorting out your own truth. This card matches perfectly with the Scorpion energy surround you, as it is truth-seeking and embraces the sanctity and wisdom of aloneness. This card also reminds you of the journey that you are about to embark on, a night of entering the mythic even in the mundane. Meditate on this card for a constant reminder that you can self-source and you have your own back.

Stone: Labradorite
his stone is also known as the sorcerer’s stone. It is known to enhance your psychic ability, promote self-discovery, and acts as a guide to move between worlds. It also is known to balance out desires and emotions, something that Scorpio energy can definitely enhance. Hold this stone while you process, journal, or meditate.

Essential Oil: Frankincense 
Frankincense is a powerful oil that is known to connect you to the spiritual realm while protecting and balancing you. It also is known for its deep, transformative abilities, matching right with this Scorpio new moon. There is a reason that for thousands of years, frankincense has been used in sacred ceremonies. It was gifted to Jesus on his birth, burned in many different religious ceremonies, and used in many meditative blends today. You can anoint your feet and head, put some in a diffuser, or place it in some water or oil to dilute it. As always, check with a doctor before using anything on your skin.

Herb: Mugwort
A main ingredient in the Kozmic Ryder Lucid blend, Mugwort, or Cronewort as she likes to be called, is a powerful plant ally for tonight. She is known for her incredible ability to aid in dreams, psychic awareness, spiritual development, and acts as a powerful protectress. You can drink this herb in tea, smoke it, burn it, or simply have it around you to get the essence and magic she provides. And, as a reminder, check with a doctor before ingesting an herb.

Song: From the Beginning by Emerson Lake and Palmer
This song speaks a lot of reflection on the past with a hypnotic beat. Let this song take you on a journey into your own relationship with your emotions. It also reminds you of one of the most important messages in life — you were meant to be here from the beginning. 

Color —  black
Let your candle, paper, or outfit reflect the color black. This is the color the vast night, of protection, of the unknown womb space of rebirth.

Environment and Pose
Sit down in your own space tonight. A place that grounds you and feels like home. Sit up but on the ground with your tailbone aligned. Feel free to move around — let this be your anchor. 

Here’s my ritual for tonight:

Step one:
Get sensual. Put on a beautiful scent, wear something that feels nice on your skin, put on your music, get in a comfortable position, make a nourishing cup of tea. Unwind. Breathe. Feel into it. You’re here, alive, present, and about to make some magic happen for yourself. Welcome.

Step Two:
Time to get pen to paper. There is a meditative flow that happens when you physically write something out. You are able to unlock deep parts of yourself with ease.

Get out a journal or some paper and begin answering:
1) How are you feeling tonight? Why have you found yourself wanting to do a new moon ceremony? 

2) You are about to embody a Scorpionic snake. What skin are you ready to shed and be discarded?

What new layer are you ready to show? What are you claiming?

In other words, to put it kind of dramatically but oh-so-bluntly, what inside of you is ready to die in order for you to be reborn?

Step Three
New moon ceremonies are unique and personal, as everyone brings their own experience to the circle. This is the time to make this yours.

How do you want to nurture yourself in this moment? Do you need to yell, cry, or sing? How about dance, or lay, or sit, totally supported? Do you need to write poetry or a letter? What do you need to do to give some love to the deepest parts of yourself? How can you give yourself what you need to break your pattern? You have all the wisdom and strength you need to find your answer.

Remember that new moons are about planting seeds for the next moon cycle, and manifestation. What new pattern do you want to create for yourself?

Step Four
Take a cleansing bath or shower and let the water run over you. When you are done, watch the water spiral down the drain and let it be known that you have shed, transformed, and have been reborn. Feel held and cradled. You did amazing work tonight. Every time you do work to better and heal yourself, you are working to better the world and the collective. 

Step Five
Write out one statement that fully captures what you have claimed in an “I AM” statement. For example, “I am a woman of integrity” or “I am fully claiming my abilities.” Go to a mirror, look at yourself in the eyes, and say that statement.

Write out your statement and put it on your bathroom mirror, by the coffee pot, or wherever you will see it. New moons are about setting out intention, but also making a commitment. Make this commitment to yourself every. single. day. and show up in it to the best of your ability. Magic is nothing without your energy and action. 

Make tonight beautiful, make it yours. This is your night.  New moons allow me to go deep inside myself and let my truth surface. Sometimes that comes up through emotions, through ideas, or through desires… listen to them all. When I wrote out my answers to these questions, I discovered a lot about my own anxiety and insecurities. After finding the root cause, going deep into all of the things that I was anxious about (which is never easy) I found a nugget of truth — I simply have a need to be authentic and heard. So I wrote out all of my intentions, clearly and strongly, and spoke them out loud. That was me physically and tangibly planting a seed to have my need met.