February Kozmic Guidance — A Time of Grounded Out Dreaminess!

What a cosmic, jam-packed month filled with magic, mystery, and grounded out dreaminess! The light and sacred flame is fully returning with Imbolc, we have such a blend of the elements present to fully step into your power. Plus, we have a Mercury retrograde that is going to help you assess all you’re dreaming of so you can make it come from a fully integrated, powerful, rooted place! Buckle your seatbelt for this amazing ride of a month — get out your calendars and mark your dates!

February 2  — Imbolc

Imbolc is one of the holidays on the Celtic Wheel. Look around, feel into it, do you feel the shifting energy? Can you sense that winter is coming to an end? Can you see the light? We are in the midpoint of winter, and it is about to shift. 

This time is sacred because it is an opportunity to ceremoniously celebrate rebirth, renewal, innocence, purity, and purging the old to make way for the new. Marking the end of winter is a way to step into the unknown magic of infinite potential. The change of the season is here, now you can welcome in the magic of spring and the comfort of warmth. This holiday is associated with Brigid, the Saint or Goddess of the Hearth. So to celebrate, work with the home and with fire. Bring in the sacred flame by lighting candles, cleanse and purify by cleaning your home physically and energetically and getting rid of anything that you don’t need, and try to meditate and spend some time outside. The light is quickly returning — embrace it. 

February 3rd — Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury, the planet of communication and thoughts enters sensitive, intuitive, dreamy Pisces. Hello, creativity and intuition! Now is the time to listen to our psychic skills a little extra. Pisces is known to be extremely sensitive, so be aware of the information you are taking in, and the ways in which you are communicating. Dig deep into the mystery of your imagination. Get out your dream journal. Listen to your gut. Get out your paint or your dancing shoes, and tell a story that way, too. Now is an amazing time to communicate expressively and creatively, and let the magic flow through you. Remember to always be discerning and keep yourself grounded. Think feet on the ground, head in the stars. 

February 7th — Venus Enters Aries

The planet of love enters the sign of passion and war. Prepare for some more added intensity! All things love can get hot, steamy, impulsive, and maybe even argumentative. My advice? Take a deep breath. Enjoy the passion without the drama. If there is a way to keep the peace, keep it and express any excess energy in a healthy way. 

February 9th — Full Moon in Leo

Happy full moon, Loves! This full moon is in lion-hearted Leo, the fire sign that loves to be seen, making the focus be on how we show up and come off to others. Full moons are about release, giving thanks, celebrating, and connecting with something higher than yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed by anything, give it a place to go. Write it out and place it in a box to put it in divine order. Celebrate your growth. Forgive. Release. 

February 16th — Mars enters Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn stabilizes all this creative energy. It helps to ground out and manifest all the things we are creating. Mars in Capricorn invites us to show up with strength, stability, and in all of our power to all the things we approach. Enjoy this grounded, magical energy!

February 17th — Mercury Retrograde in Pisces Until March 10th

Fear not, my loves! There’s no doubt you heard of Mercury retrograde before. With all the fear, hype, and confusion surrounding it, there’s no wonder you may have immediately let out a dreadful groan when you read this date. The good thing is — Mercury retrograde, just like any other retrograde, is a necessary time to take a step back, reassess, and get all of your ducks in a row. 

Mercury rules communication, the way we think, speak, and interpret. When it stations retrograde, things can get easily confused. Electronics seem to break, brain fog can cloud you, and little tiffs and inconveniences can happen in relationships and at work. However, this is opportunity in disguise. Use this time to get really clear on what is for you, and what you should shed and leave behind. 

Mercury retrograde seems to do the heavy lifting for us, it breaks off whatever is in the way of your path. Take some space for yourself and go inward. Notice what comes up for you. Maybe your travel plans went awry, or your hard drive wiped out, or there was a massive miscommunication at work. Take space and reflect on these situations. The trick here is to go with this divine flow. Mercury retrograde gives an opportunity to test your faith, get really clear about what you want, and puts you in situations where you can see new perspectives and gain new magic.

Remember, astrology is not fortune telling. It is opportunity for different perspectives and to make sure you are aligned with what you really want and feel. Let go of outcomes and focus on the now and what feels right. Breathe through any anxiety (mercury rules the nervous system!) and find the truth in any situation. Let your mantra be “flow over friction” during the next few weeks of Mercury retrograde and know — what is for you will not pass you. Oh, and back up that hard drive! 

If you want more information on how to not only survive, but thrive during Mercury retrograde, watch my video here!

February 19th — Sun enters Pisces 

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Follow your intuition, instincts. Dream, rest, love, breathe. 

Your spiritual and emotional body are calling. This is an amazing time to dig deeper into your beliefs and what supports you. Notice where your daydreams go. Notice where your mind takes you when you get to just not do anything. Be curious about it — you have these dreams and visions for a reason. They are there to align you with what you are here to do on this Earth. At the end of the day, you wouldn’t think about these things if they were not in you and a part of who you are. So during this sun cycle, get to know yourself in a way you may not have known before.

February 23rd — New Moon in Pisces 

Happy new moon, my love! This new moon is in sensitive, dreamy Pisces. Pisces is a deeply emotional and spiritual sign. It is ruled by Neptune, which is the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality. So tonight, get curious, creative, and drop into your feelings. Tonight is the night to start creating from an integrated place. Create a safe space to feel your feels, to process, and then build form there. You can ask yourself — What do I want to feel with what I’m creating? This is also a potent night to connect with whatever it is you answer to, whether it’s God, Goddess, Love, Truth, Ancestors — let this dreamy Piscean moon carry you away to your highest, best truth!