ani ferlise
Ani is a Priestess with experience hosting many different circles, ceremonies, and workshops. She has background in Astrology, sacred beekeeping, Kitchen alchemy, Shamanic herbalism, aromatherapy, energetic healing, and is a Ceremonialist.
Ani has spent much of her life on a path to understand spirituality. To do this, she studied many religions, practices and healing modalities. She served at a goddess temple and was initiated as a midwife of the veils there, holding sacred space for the major transitions of life, completed a shamanic herbal apprenticeship where she became initiated as a green witch, and has traveled to many different teachers to study different paths and healing methods. In addition to all of this, she holds an English degree from Southern Oregon University, and studied Religion at Hofstra University. She is currently studying to be a VITA sex, love, and relationship coach with Layla Martin, blending neuroscience, tantra, and ritual.
To further her spiritual quest and teachings, Ani frequently writes about authentic spirituality, breaking through the stereotypes, and truly cultivating a deep connection to spirit and life itself. She is devoted to teaching sensual ritual for a sacred, magical daily life, and to make it accessible and practical for everyone. Her mission is to help inspire people to see the magic that is always in the mundane.
Ani currently resides in Portland, Oregon. She is passionate about people, magic and writing, and is close to finishing her first book.
When asked what inspires her she says:
“People who live authentically and rawly and own themselves, damn good dumplings, getting lost in a moment, a great song with a wild dance, the ocean, and a really good prayer.”