What Does "Enough" Really Mean?
I’ve been nonstop reflecting on the word “enough.” We have all this cosmic energy telling us it’s time to do — to clean up, to set out, to go. Our society also teaches us to do, and to do constantly. Even our self-care seems like another thing to add to the schedule. Is anyone else tired?
Am I the only one that feels guilty when I am not doing? I think it’s important to take into account that sometimes the simple act of being is enough. (Try telling that to me, or anyone, when the laundry list of things piles up and you see everyone else working and being just fine and successful.) We just had a wild ride of eclipse energy that left many people in total transformation/rebirth mode. What does that mean, really? It means change, baby. Change is ass-kicking. It is hard. It makes the day to day difficult and yet we are all expected to keep going as if nothing is happening.
So. What to do when you have a lot to do but no energy, drive, or life-force to get it done? What do you do when your self-esteem is low and you feel like there’s no where to truly go and show up the way you’d want to?
This is what helps me:
“Life is meant to be enjoyed” — I never forgot the way that phrase hit me in my gut when I first heard it. It was brought up so casually in mid-conversation. But it made me realize — wait — we don’t always need to suffer. We don’t need to break to take a break. Hah, go figure. Repeat this in times of stress and crack a smile. And remember that hey, it’s way better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed. Not everything is going to always get done. And that’s ok. Go pet a dog instead.
Remind yourself that you’re not lazy, inept, weak, or fooling yourself by needing to slow down. Look outside — nature is slowing down as we speak. The planets are starting to calm, the winds are getting colder, the leaves are starting to turn, and fall is among us. Thank God. I read somewhere that nothing in nature blooms year round, neither do you. Honor your own cycles. Let yourself experience your own versions of fall and winter. You ARE nature, it’s basically science.
Sometimes doing nothing is more productive than doing anything. That means stop for a minute. That’s right: just do less. Moment by moment, when you can. That means stop multi-tasking. According to Forbes, multitasking is far less efficient than focusing on the job you are doing. In fact, 98% of the population does not multitask well, and that should actually be a relief. Instead, start scheduling. Once you have created your schedule, focus on the task at hand for 25 minute intervals, and take a five minute break between them until completion. It works for exercising, and it works for your brain too.
Find what nourishes you. It’s actually crazy how overlooked the feeling of being truly nourished is — I think of a cozy, comfortable, healthy, grounded feeling. Like a crisp fall day and a cup of tea kinda cozy. Nourishment looks different on us all. It’s not always meditation, baths, and getting pampered. Mine looks like a really grounding meal that I cook. When I get overwhelmed and stressed, and I know I can’t set things out the way I’d like, I reset by cooking and having some really comforting music or a show on in the background. Something about using all of my senses and being present for it has a way of making me focus and flow. I get sensual in any way. I can. Then I eat, clean up, light some incense, and try again.
Make magic in the mundane. Use your morning cup of coffee or commute as an opportunity to reflect and connect and go inwards. Put on your favorite song or sit in silence or whatever sings to you. When you wake up, or even during lunch, take time to intentionally connect with yourself and thoughts. Engage in your curiosity, not your to do list (you already got that covered with your schedule, remember?) Take a second to breathe, to be, to smile, to cry.
Connect with someone. Give them a call. Ask how they are doing. Connection is the most cherished thing on the planet, because it’s the only thing we can take with us when we’re gone. And guess what? Chances are you’ll talk with them and figure out that no one’s really got it figured out and that’s okay — cause sometimes maybe the most important thing is supporting each other through it instead of having it figured out.
Hey, cheers to being a human being and trying to figure it out. Cheers to being enough just because you exist and are going through life just like the rest of us. Your worth isn’t based off of your productivity.
I’m writing this while the sun is in Virgo, a grand Earth trine is taking place, Mars is going back direct, Saturn is about to follow, and an emotional Pisces full moon. I’m writing this because I am tired and I am reflecting on the way I do life and the way I show up in the world and for myself. I’m writing this because I don’t want to feel like shit for needing a break, or messing something up — and I know I’m not the only one. I’m writing this to not only share with you, but to remind me, too.
I want to be here for this life, because guess what? The only thing I’m certain of is that it’s fleeting. And I love it here, even if I am distracted and overwhelmed and stressed and scared sometimes. Because then there’s that one cosmic a-ha moment that reminds me that this is one hell of an amazing experience. Try to find that every day — cause it’s there.
Sending you big love. I hope this helped.
Feel free to reach out with your thoughts, experiences, and perspectives by commenting below or emailing me — ani@kozmicryder.com.