January 2020 — A time of Sweet Surrender, Truthful Transformation, and Cosmic Creation


Welcome to the start of a new month, a new year, a new freakin’ decade. This is a cosmic, very transformative year that starts with a bang of energy. The theme of this month is all about nurturing and surrender in order to create a powerful legacy. The two always go hand in hand — and it is so important that we take care of our needs, our shadow, our feels in order to fully create from a place of passion, integrity, and truth. The world needs your magic, baby. Use the energy of this month to come home even more to yourself, and create something beautiful from this space. 

January 3rd — Mars Enters Sagittarius 

This gust of passionate, excited, optimistic energy is a great note to start the year on! Take all those new year intentions and put them into action when Mars, the planet of action and assertion, enters the hopeful, truth seeking sign of Sagittarius. Take action on your ideals, take a trip and discover what gems live there for you, discover new truth and new people. Create or try something new! Let the winds of truth guide you, and let fiery the energy of Mars in Sagittarius initiate your passions. 

January 10th — Full Moon in Cancer and Lunar Eclipse

Happy sweet, sensitive, full moon, my loves. This full moon in Cancer fully marks the start of eclipse season and connects to the Full Moons that are at the end of the year as well. 

The full moon in cancer is a great time to express and sit with any stuck emotions and feelings. Tonight,  I don’t recommend doing any major rituals or magic. Instead, create safety for yourself — feel cozy, held, and protected, and feeling all the feels. Cancer is nourishing, protective, in-tune, and sensitive. The full moon invites people to go inward and feel it all, a lot of emotions may come up. The lunar eclipse amplifies this energy, and makes it related to things that occurred particularly in the last two years. Now is a great time to process things that need to be processed in a safe and gentle way. 

Tonight, feel into every part of yourself. Start off with the physical. Sit in a quiet place, take a deep breath, and start with feeling your feet on the ground. Move slowly up your body, tuning into all the sensations and physical feelings. Then, put on your favorite songs that make you feel and think. What comes up for you? Nothing that pops in your mind is an accident. Have a good cry, have a good laugh, get swept away in nostalgia, then come back home to yourself. You’ve come so far. Make a list of all the things that make you feel comforted and joyful — and I mean really joyful, even if it’s your morning cup of coffee or going out dancing. Then find your first step to incorporating that into your daily life. The only way to get through it all is to feel it all, and this night is your perfect opportunity to do so. 

January 11th — Uranus Direct in Taurus

Uranus, the planet of freedom, change, and individuality is going back direct since August. While it was retrograde, sudden changes could have happened within you instead of through an outward force. This retrograde time was all about reflection and a higher awareness with your relationship with change and whatever your definition of freedom is. You may have found yourself questioning why you want to change or why you fear it. What thoughts, beliefs, opinions, situations, relationships, and patterns have changed in you since August? Coming into yourself can be a jarring experience — realizing what has held you back, what was ignorant, what has been hurtful to yourself and others is so hard to look at. Realizing what we’re capable of, accepting it, and transforming it is the biggest medicine to ourselves and this world we can do. Honor yourself, forgive yourself, be proud of yourself for doing the work.

Now it is time to integrate those new ideas, the new version of you, and how you want to work it. Now is also the time to start noticing the outward circumstances you find yourself in. Sometimes in life, we can’t control situations. What does matter is how we own it, how we rock it, and what we create with it. What are you wanting to create within yourself, or in your life, with this newfound authenticity?

January 12th — Saturn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

This transit occurs every 34 years, and it is one heavy hitter. You might have heard a lot of fear mongering around this day — as it is two really strong plants coming real close. This marks a time of change, as Pluto is all about deep transformation, depth, and shadow, and Saturn is rules karma, restrictions, and boundaries. This transit has the capability for some amazing, much needed change. 

The trick to this time is to ride what comes your way. If you’ve been resisting growth and transformation by not looking at something, or refusing to shift old patterns, now is the time softly open and surrender to the changing times. 

On a global and societal level, we can see some massive change in structures and old ways that no longer serve us. In your life, I recommend connecting with whatever it is you answer to — whether that is truth, love, God, Goddess, or your highest self, and get into alignment with that force. And just surrender. Softly, strongly, truly surrender. When the winds of change come around, it is best to let yourself be carried and not resist to truth. Check out this guide on Surrender to handle this time in the best way.  

January 13th — Venus Enters Pisces

This is an interesting transit. The sign Pisces is reflective of the moon — deeply intuitive, bringing you to your emotions. To have the planet of love enter this water sign means we have the opportunity to reflect on love in ways we haven’t before. Not just romantic love — but all love. Pisces sees everything and loves to live in the gray are of life where there is no right or wrong, bad or good, but rather feels everything. This is a time to reflect on boundaries in love, for in this time, they begin to blur and other people’s experiences can feel like your own. Don’t take it on — just notice what the universe is bringing to you. This is a time to heal and experience love on a whole new level. 

January 16th — Mercury Enters Aquarius 

All this Aquarius energy is kicking innovation into overload! Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, enters forward-thinking Aquarius for the next few weeks. Watch for what ideas come your way! Innovative thinking and communication are amplified during this time. Your ideas will be different, more outside-the-box, and universal. Aquarius is the sign of progressive thinking, and mercury rules our thoughts and communication. Invite in all these different perspectives and apply them to what you’re already doing. Knowledge is power. New and original ideas are coming for you!

January 20th — Sun Enters Aquarius 

Happy solar return, freedom finding Aquarius! Aquarian energy is all about breaking down the societal norms to create a better future. Even if you were not born under an Aquarius sun, you will still feel the sun’s energy impacting you as it enters this forward thinking sign. You can expect sudden bursts of innovation, craving freedom and rebellion, and dedicating yourself acts of humanitarianisms. Eccentricity is medicine for our souls as we walk this path of authentic living. Honor your different, far out ideas. Honor your inner visionary. Be aware of being too detached and impatient during this time — remember in every cause, there are individuals, connections, and emotions. Honor those, too!

January 24th — New Moon in Aquarius 

Happy new moon, my love! Think about the sign Aquarius, all about change, breaking away from institutions, dated ways of doing things, and social paradigms that no longer serve us. \ This is an opportunity to do your personal part to help the world evolve. The new moon is all about going in and reflecting — so use this as your chance to see where you fit in with the way the world is growing. What are your ideals? What do you believe in? What is your natural given talent and how can you use it to benefit the people around you? Tonight, get really clear with your integrity and how you want to show up in the world.

January 25th — Lunar New Year

This day marks the Chinese New Year, and 2020 is the year of the metal rat (which also happens to be the name of my next band. Jk. Maybe.) This year is very auspicious. Even though rats don’t have the best rep around most parts, in this case, they represent success, confidence, and making things happen! This time marks a time of new beginnings — so get really clear on what you want to call into your life, and use all this precious energy to make it happen!