Posts in Magic in the Mundane
How Can You Open to the Magic in the Mundane?

I am moving. A wise woman once told me that moving is the third most stressful experience of life, right behind a death and losing a job. It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, but uprooting a space I’ve cultivated and getting used to a new one really has me stressed. So, naturally, I began to think of the magic in this. Whenever I’m uncomfortable, that means something is brewing, power is stirring, magic is afoot…

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What Does it Really Mean to Live a Magic Life?

This past week was the Priestess Convergence at the Goddess Temple where I serve. This is my fifth time sitting at my computer trying to put into words what I experienced. And nothing. I can’t get it out on paper. Whenever I’ve had a mystical, magical experience — I can’t put it in words. It seems to lose power for me. This isn’t a unique experience. Many faiths and traditions would translate their experiences into art rather than words. They let their divine experience flow through them abstractly, in code.

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What Does "Enough" Really Mean?

I’ve been nonstop reflecting on the word “enough.” We have all this cosmic energy telling us it’s time to do — to clean up, to set out, to go. Our society also teaches us to do, and to do constantly. Even our self-care seems like another thing to add to the schedule. Is anyone else tired?

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Let’s Break Through the Phrase “Everything Happens for a Reason”

How many times have you heard the phrase “everything happens for a reason?” Maybe you just experienced a breakup, lost a loved one, got laid off or fired, or you are in the deepest part of your anxieties and shadow. You turn to a friend in that moment of vulnerability and they say with a good heart and solid intention, “everything happens for a reason.”  Although those words seem comforting, when you’re in that space, the last thing you want to hear is that you are experiencing pain for a reason.

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