Ceremony, Tools, and Astrology for April’s New Moon
Happy new moon, my love. New moon is new energy. New moon, new you, and new projects too!
This new moon in Aries is the most potent time to make it happen. Aries is all about the self, it is the first sign of the zodiac that tends to be self-oriented. It is fiery, warrior-like energy that when directed correctly, can make major moves in paving the way for things that excite and delight you. Get excited. Tune into what feeds your soul. Tune into what is calling you from the deepest level. Want to start a a business? Want to write a book? How about start your own moon circles? This is the best day to launch something in the whole year. With Mercury direct and free flowing, set out your magic tonight. The world needs you to do what your heart is calling you to do. It may sounds a little corny, but trust me, nothing that you are attracted to is an accident. It is a calling. Answer it tonight, my love.
While staring at all this power right in the face, and having Chiron, the planetoid known as the wounded healer in Aries, as well as some other tricky transits, a lot of core childhood wounding could be coming to the surface. Anything that is standing in the way of you owning your own life, stepping fully into your personal power and sovereignty could be surfacing. If this is the case, it is a blessing in a tough cloak. All this is happening so that you can nurture that wound and start to make peace with it, not rid yourself of it or try to escape it, but gently nurture yourself for full, loving, deep healing. Whatever is stopping you from your soul’s deepest desire has protected you in the past, and if you are ready, nurture yourself beyond the defenses you have adopted.
Tonight, the questions to ask yourself are:
What do you want in your life right now?
Where do you want to go?
Who do you want to be, and who do you want to attract?
How do you want to show up in the world?
Why do you want what you want?
The new moon is all about beginnings — it is the start of a cycle, bringing about new energy and a time to turn inwards. This is the time to start something and set it out, and watch how it blooms into fruition throughout the moon phases,.
Here are some tools for tonight’s new moon. Sit with them for some inspiration to rock this cosmic time:
Tarot Card: Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is the card that says “YES!” When this card appears, it says follow your gut and embrace this new beginning. This is your sign that it is time to do it, and do it with your whole heart. Look at the imagery of this card, really sit with it, and feel that energy communing with you. Your time is now, my love.
Stone: Carnelian
This is a stone of inner fire, passion, vitality, and courage. It helps to reinvigorate you and propel you toward success. If you have a piece of carnelian, hold it in your hand or on your body tonight as you move about in this delicious, Aries energy.
Essential Oil: Frankincense
Frankincense is known as the oil of meditation and spiritual truth. Used as one of the main ingredients in the Lucid Oil in our kit, it can help clear the mind and help you release anything that isn’t truth. It can help deepen awareness and a connection with something higher and aids in letting go of anything that isn’t real.
Herb: Chamomile
Chamomile looks like tiny, radiant little suns. As you sip, burn, commune, or gaze at this plant, really imagine the sun-like magical qualities filling up your being. Feel the strength and protection, feel the courage and love. This is your medicine for tonight.
Song: Bold as Love by The Jimi Hendrix Experience
This song speaks for itself. Be as bold as love, baby. Give this song a listen and let the message and guitar feed you.
Color — Red
Red is the color of the flame, the color of passion, Mars, initiation, anger, love! Let your candle, clothes, cloths, or flowers be red. Invite it all in.
Environment and Pose
Settle into a room that has candles going, or something that reflects a flame to you. Let yourself dance with the flicker of the light.
Here’s my ritual for tonight:
Step One: Set Up Your Space
Choose a sacred space for yourself. Adorn your space with the supplies you gathered, and get creative! By making it beautiful and unique to you, you are pouring your own energy into it and enhancing your intention. Now might be a good time to light some candles, play some music that empowers you, and burn some incense. The goal is to have all your senses engaged, so get as sensual as you see fit.
Step Two: Ground and Cleanse Yourself
This is such a beautiful and important part of the process. Take a deep cleansing breath, and plant your feet firmly on the floor. If you choose, you can burn incense and let the cleansing smoke float over and around your body, or apply essential oils to cleanse your energy. Then focus on your breath going in, and releasing out. Slow and steady. Feel your feet melt into the floor, and allow yourself to become in tune with the space you just created. Know the Earth is right underneath you.
Step Three: Get Clear
New moons are manifestation magnets. The trick here, however, is to make sure you are not working from a place of ego. That means being fully aware that you are working from a limited perspective, and leaving room for the divine to help you and guide you to the best possible outcome. This ritual was inspired by Allie McFee of Modern Goddess Lifestyle.
Bring pen to paper and journal for five minutes each to gain clarity. Write each one on a different piece of paper.
1. Who Are You?
2. What is your soul longing for?
3.What is holding you back?
Step Four: Ritual
Look at your writing. Are you surprised at what came out? Do you feel a sense of release already? Do you feel the magic building?
Take the page that has what is holding you back. Ceremoniously rip it up. Put as much emotion as you can into ripping up that paper. Channel the Aries righteous anger and passion and rip it to tiny pieces. If you can, find a fire safe container like a cauldron or fireplace and burn it up. Let the Aries fire consume that which has held you back. This is your tangible prayer that says you’re ready to let go.
Then, look at your paper that is filled with what your soul is longing for. Read it out loud. Put it somewhere where you can see it frequently, like a vanity or bedside table. If you have a crystal, you can speak the words into the crystal and put the crystal on top to help energize your words.
Step Five: Baby Steps
Now, think of one, tiny baby step you can take this week to get started on your path. Something that is so small and tangible that you can absolutely do it. For example, if your soul is longing for peace, maybe your step is to spend five minutes in silence outside looking at the sky when you first get in your car before your morning commute. Or maybe your soul is longing for adventure, maybe your baby step can be to look into renewing your passport. Start to shift the energy toward going in the direction of your deepest desire. The time is now. All the energy is aligning for you to walk the path of your soul’s most authentic, deep calling. All you need to do is take the baby step, my love, to let the universe know that you are ready, serious, and clear in your truth.
Become. Blossom. Bloom. Expand. Face the unknown with grace and gratitude, even when it is terrifying. Even if it is easy. There is magic in change. There is power in the primal nature of the most uncomfortable emotions. You are held, you are held, you are held.