Posts in Ceremonies & Rituals
May Reflection and Meditation

Look around outside — May seems… gentle. Life is softly blooming, things are fragile, new birth has arrived. Now is a time to fully immerse yourself in a deep meditation, and the theme is a reflection of the state of the Earth right now — gentleness. In what ways can you be more gentle to yourself, the people you love, or even the people who you don’t agree with? Focus on — what ways can I be more gentle?  When we tread softly on our path, we can embody genuine strength. Now, let’s begin the journey.

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April Reflection and Meditation

April —  a time when the Earth is blossoming and waking up from its slumber. This is a period of change and openness for not only the Earth, but for us as well. The transitional times bring feelings of unease or wild thoughts surfacing. This month, focus on what reoccurring thoughts you have and how they are shaping your reality. Do you find yourself letting your fears or worries inhibit you from doing the things you want to do? Do you let the “what ifs” in life dictate your next move? Turn your awareness toward the power of your thoughts and see how they affect your life by asking — how are my thoughts influencing my reality?

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How to Fill Up Your Cup Each Day

Are you feeling depleted? Lacking energy? Falling deeply in the self-doubt rabbit hole, or the negativity whirlwind? Do you find yourself resenting something? Maybe life itself? Well, my love, all these symptoms can be alleviated. Slowly but surely, you can begin to fill up your cup when you feel depleted. I see it all the time in my circles and ceremonies — people struggling because they haven’t taken care of themselves in a very long time.

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Ceremony, Tools, and Tips for The Spring Equinox, Sun in Aries, and Libra Supermoon

Welcome, my sweet one, to a new dawn. We’ve been in the throws of watery and emotional Piscean energy, with a Mercury retrograde, and some other tricky transits. The depths of our souls have been illuminated, old wounds have been unearthed, our emotions have all over the place, heaviness and confusion was around us, and now that time is over. Take a deep breath, my love, you have made it!

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