In honor of this cosmic month, we are here to honor anxiety, overwhelm, and confusion. For the moments when we are in the most cosmic confusion, the nights of the most intimate frustration, the most angsty anxiety — I have a very effective, highly potent, and semi-strange ritual in the best kind of way. Are you ready?
Read MoreThis full moon is a doozy. This whole week has been a doozy. Do you feel it? Cosmic confusion is at an all time high with Jupiter Neptune square, then paired with Mars opposing Saturn, then Mercury opposing Saturn — you may be frantically searching for truth or answers only to feel overwhelm or stress, and this full moon brings out everything we are meant to fully feel.
Read MoreEvery month I host a new and full moon ritual, circle, and ceremony. The magic goes far beyond the ritual itself. It is in the community, camaraderie, and humanity that transpires every time someone sits down to be heard and seen, maybe for the first time authentically in their lives.
Read MoreLet me start by saying — almost every single time I am about to do a personal ritual, I feel resistance. I always brew some tea, put on something silky and loose, head downstairs to my magic room, and start lighting my candles and incense with a tiny feeling of dread. Maybe it is from years of numbing out on my phone every time I was alone. Or maybe it is because at my core I am social and would rather spend my time with others. Or maybe, just maybe, it is because I really fucking need it. Yes. Definitely that one.
Read MoreJune is here, a time for shedding — sweat, layers, and habits. Watch as all your seasonal blues begin to dissipate during this bright time. Now is the time of release. Typically when the warmer weather arrives, we naturally begin to make wiser self-love choices by moving our bodies more, being more social, and spending more time outside. It creates the perfect space for letting go. This month, ask yourself every night — what can I release tonight?
Read MoreHappy full moon in sexy Scorpio, my loves! This full moon is very positively aspected, and the energy is feeling a little bit clearer than it has bene in a while, maybe even since before Pisces season! How are you feeling? Just because it is harmonious doesn’t mean it’s not going to be a little intense. It is Scorpio energy.
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